Information for participants and those interested in participating

The Harvard Aging Brain Study (HABS) is an observational study that aims to find out whether the changes that a doctor sometimes sees on a brain scan are related to early memory changes that occur in older healthy adults. In this study, we will use several imaging (picture taking) techniques to study the structure and function of the brain, and to detect the presence of a protein called amyloid which is found in aging and in early Alzheimer’s disease (an illness affecting memory and thinking).
The HABS principal investigators are fully committed to increase diversity in Alzheimer’s disease research. We are now conducting appropriate examinations of older Spanish-speaking Latinos. Further, in the past years, HABS bilingual investigators have been actively involved in community outreach activities, and have maintained a constant presence in Latino communities. We hope to enroll a subsample of 40 older Latinos/as into HABS over the next 2 years.
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