Approved Data Requests

Arun Venkataraman, MA. Graduate student, University of Rochester. “Tractography for Low-Resolution Diffusion Data with Geometric Priors”. Approved on 2021-04-02.
Alejandro Costoya Sanchez, MS. PhD student, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. “Tau protein accumulation in amyloid-negative patients” Approved on 2021-04-01.
Zi-Chao Zhang, BA. PhD student, Fudan University. “Early Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease with Multimodal Data Based on Deep Learning”. Approved on 2021-03-25.
Shreya Rajagopal, BT. Graduate student, University of Michigan Ann Arbor. “Establishing a relationship between Structure, Function and Behavior in the Aging Population”. Approved on 2021-03-18.
Emily Gremminger, BA. Project Manager, Washington University School of Medicine. “Cross Sectional and Longitudinal Racial Disparity in Molecular Biomarkers of Alzheimer Disease”. Approved on 2021-03-18.
Yashar Zeighami, PhD. Postdoctoral Fellow, McGill University. “Multimodal biomarkers of brain aging in health and disease”. Approved on 2021-03-07.
Leon Aksman, PhD. Assistant Professor of Research, University of Southern California. “Characterizing the heterogeneity of Alzheimer‚Äôs disease related amyloid and tau pathology”. Approved on 2021-03-05.
Carlos Cruchaga, PhD. Professor, Washington University. “Using Quantitative Traits to Identify Novel Genes For Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Complex Traits”. Approved on 2021-03-04.
Vasiliki Sideri-Lampretsa, MS. Researcher, Technical University of Munich. “Medical image registgration using deep learning”. Approved on 2021-02-07.
Shana D. Stites, PsyD. Instructor, University of Pennsylvania. “Brain Volume, Biologic Sex and Cognition”. Approved on 2021-02-01.
Bettina Studer, MD. PI, Heinrich-Heine-University Dusseldorf. “Post-stroke Apathy and Post-stroke Depression”. Approved on 2021-02-01.
Carolyn Angie Winskill, MS. Scientist, Certara Strategic Consulting. “Association of amyloid and tau with cognitive”. Approved on 2020-12-06.
Peter R Millar, PhD. Postdoctoral Research Associate, Washington University in St. Louis. “Modeling brain-predicted age in preclinical and early symptomatic Alzheimer disease”. Approved on 2020-12-03.
Ali Ezzati, MD. Assistant Professor, Albert Einstein College of Medicine. “Predictive analytics for cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s disease”. Approved on 2020-12-01.
Wouter Albert Herman Bloem, BS. Amsterdam UMC. “Longitudinal tau PET accumulation rate: a systematic review”. Approved on 2020-11-29.
Alexa Pichet Binette, MS. PhD candidate, McGill University. “Sub-threshold amyloid and relationship to AD markers”. Approved on 2020-10-28.
Yonggang Shi, PhD. Associate Professor of Neurology, University of Southern California. “Longitudinal Tau-Associated Connectivity Changes in Brain Aging”. Approved on 2020-10-23.
Paul Edison MD, PhD. Clinical Senior Lecturer and Consultant, Imperial College London. “Influence of tau and cerebral glucose metabolism on cognition and MRI changes”. Approved on 2020-10-23.
Jesús Silva-Rodríguez, PhD. Postdoctoral Researcher, Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria de Santiago de Compostela (IDIS). “Partial Volume Correction in Longitudinal Tau PET. A comparison study.” Approved on 2020-10-16.
Michael Schöll, PhD. Associate Professor, University of Gothenburg. “Spatiotemporal progression of tau pathology“. Approved on 2020-10-12.
Helena M. Gellerson, MRes. Doctoral Candidate, Department of Psychology at University of Cambridge. “Functional organisation of the hippocampus and the entorhinal cortex in early Alzheimer’s disease”. Approved on 2020-10-09.
Andrea Luppi, MS, MPhil. PhD student, Department of Clinical Neurosciences and Division of Anesthesia University of Cambridge. “Functional organisation of the hippocampus and the entorhinal cortex in early Alzheimer’s disease.” Approved on 2020-10-09.
Hyunwoong Ko, MA. PhD candidate, Seoul National University. “Cerebral regional profiles related to pathological changes in AD spectrum”. Approved on 2020-10-08.
Eric M. Reiman, MD. Executive Director, Banner Health. “Sample size estimation based on tau-PET imaging for the Alzheimer’s Prevention Initiative (API) trial?” Approved on 2020-10-01.
Rani Sarkis, MD. Associate Neurologist, Brigham Women’s Hospital. “The contribution of late onset unexplained epilepsy to cognitive decline and its interaction with vascular and Alzheimer’s disease pathologies” Approved on 2020-10-01
Aimee James Karstens, PhD. Postdoctoral fellow, Anatomy and Cell Biology, Psychology Department at the University of Illinois. “APOE genotype frequencies and associated AD risk in African American, Afro-Carribean, and African populations”. Approved on 2020-09-29.
Joshua Fox-Fuller, MA. PhD Student, Clinical Psychology at Boston University. “Working Memory in Preclinical Alzheimer’s Disease: a Neuropsychological and Neuroimaging Investigation”. Approved on 2020-09-24.
Linbo Wang, PhD. Postdoctoral Fellow, the Institute of Science and Technology for Brain-inspired Intelligence at Fudan University. “Exploratory analysis relationships of brain resilience biomarkers in early de novo Alzheimer’s Disease with longitudinal disease progression”. Approved on 2020-09-22.
Wang Kangcheng, PhD. Assistant Professor, Psychology at Shandong Normal University. “Development of functional brain age in elderly subjects”. Approves on 2020-09-21.
Anders M. Fjell, PhD. Professor of Psychology, the Center for Lifespan Changes in Brain and Cognition at the University of Oslo. “Multimodal prediction of cognitive decline in aging”. Approved on 2020-09-21.
Lu Hanna, PhD. Research Assistant Professor in Psychiatry, the Chinese University of Hong Kong. “Ageing-associated cortical complexity and its impacts on transcranial brain stimulation model“. Approved on 2020-09-20.
Feng Lin, PhD. Associate Professor, Marie C. Wilson and Joseph C. Wilson Professor at the School of Nursing at the University of Rochester. “Functional–Structural Coupling of Large-Scale Brain Networks in Preclinical AD”. Approved on 2020-09-18.
Charles Lynch, PhD. Postdoctoral Associate, Neuroscience in Psychiatry, Weill Cornell Medicine. “Sex-biases in resting-state functional connectivity”. Approved on 2020-09-16.
Philip Insel MS. Data Analyst, University of California, San Francisco. “Imaging endpoints for early Alzheimer’s Disease clinical trials”. Approved on 2020-09-16.
Liming Lu, MD. Professor, Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine. “Study on the risk scoring tool for the transformation of Alzheimer’s disease in different stages”. Approved on 2020-09-09.
Scott Anderson, MS. Lead Project Statistician, Eli Lilly and Company. “Impact of Amyloid Status on Disease Progression and Correlations of Progression Outcome”. Approved on 2020-09-08.
Jacob Vogel, PhD. Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Neurology at the Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University. “Lifespan growth charts of human brain size and their transcriptomic harmonics.” Approved on 2020-09-04.
Tobias Bittner, PhD. Senior Biomarker Leader, F.Hoffmann-LaRoche. “Exploratory analysis and validation of predictors of progression and measures of progression in AD”. Approved on 2020-09-01
Gillian Coughlan, PhD. Post-doctoral Research Fellow, Rotman Research Institute. “Functional organisation of the hippocampus and the entorhinal cortex in early Alzheimer’s disease”. Approved on 2020-09-01.
Sandrine Jabbour, BS. Clinical Research Assistant in Neurology, Brigham and Women’s Hospital. “Transdiagnostic memory, mood, and motor circuits in neurodegenerative diseases”. Approved on 2020-08-20.
Rachid Fahmi, PhD. Staff Scientist in Research and Clinical Collaborations, Siemens Molecular Imaging. “AI-based disease classification and prediction of disease progression in Alzheimer’s disease”. Approved on 2020-08-20.
Michael C Donohue, PhD. Associate Professor in Neurology, University of Southern California. “Analysis model for preclinical Alzheimer’s clinical trials”. Approved on 2020-08-17.
Timothy Hohman, PhD. Associate Professor in Neurology, Vanderbilt University Medical Center. “Sex-specific Genetic Drivers of Risk and Resilience to AD.” Approved 2020-08-14.
Andrew Aschenbrenner, PhD. Instructor in Neurology, Washington University in St. Louis. “The influence of cognitive run-in data on sample size requirements in clinical trials.” Approved 2020-08-05.
Ian M McDonough, PhD. Assistant Professor in Psychology, the University of Alabama. “The Structural and Molecular Associations of Network Complexity” Approved 2020-08-05.
Shubhabrata Mukherjee, PhD. Associate Professor in Medicine, the University of Washington. “Harmonizing cognitive domains between Harvard Aging Brain Study and other aging populations” Approved on 2020-08-04.