
I’ve made both individual packages and a master package. For the May-2014 update I recommend downloading the full package.
Note: Full package, GLM_Flex, Visualization Tools, and Utilities were updated on May 26th, 2014. Other packages were last updated on May 13th 2014.
Note: Found and fixed a few more bugs. GLM_Flex, Visualization Tools, and Utilities were updated again on June 1st.
Note: All scripts have been updated as of Aug. 21st 2015.
All Scripts are made available under the GPL3 License. A copy of the license can be obtained here. Downloads:
The full package of scripts and files can be downloaded here: FullPackage.
- MATLAB: These scripts were developed on MATLAB 7.14.0 (R2010b) on a linux OS. I can’t promise that everything will work with older versions of matlab. Hopefully I didn’t leave any file path mistakes in here either, but I wanted to mention it just in case.
- SPM8/12: This is a free Imaging data analysis toolbox for matlab. While many of the scripts I write are largely independent from SPM, they were written as extensions to SPM and therefore there are some reliances on SPM scripts and tools. So for everything to work smoothly you should have a local SPM installation set up and working.
- Freesurfer5.x: This is optional, but if you want to use the second level analysis on FS surface volumes you will need a FreeSurfer installation. More precisely you will need the m-files that are distributed with Freesurfer.
The downloads are simple zip folders. Download the package/s, unzip, and add the folders (with subdirectories) to your matlab path.
Once that’s done enjoy!
Also join the google group here.